QThe UART Baud Rate setting for S76S?

S76S through UART1 Baud Rate 115200,n,8,1 ( Pin46[MCU pin :PA10],Pin47[MCU pin :PA9]) as external I/F to communicate with host (PC). User can see boot log from this I/F by console tool easily.

(Putty ‘Termite is usually tool for it and care about CR’ LF configure also, please)

QWhat are bands for S76S supported?

As the following table showed,S76S support 868、902、915、922 & 924 band。

And there is a template of 8 channels configuration for each band。You can refer to S7678S_Commands_Set_Reference_A_1.0.4.pdf。

QHow to upgrade S76S F/W for developing state?

The developers could upgrade F/W through Pin50[PA13_SWDIO] & Pin51[PA14_SWCLK] by ST-Link equipment and refer to S7678S_SDK_Manual_A.pdf, please.

QWhat is the PWM pin reserve using on S76S’ S78S?

S76S’ S78S provide more GPIO pins for PMW developing; User can use Timer to let GPIO develop PMW feature by refer to STM32L0x3_Reference_Manual_en.DM00095744.pdf as well.

QS76S support bandwidth and spreading factor(SF) is?

Per HW Spec.,the bandwidth range is from 7.8KHz to 500KHz and spreading factor is from 6 to 12。

AcSiP provide UART command set for this configuration based on LoRaWAN Certification.
