QWhat is the RAM & FLASH size of S76S RAM?

S76S provide 20KByte-RAM and 192KByte-FLASH, please refer to S7678S_SDK_Manual_A.pdf。

QWhat is the package of S76S?

S76S is 13mmx11mmx1.1mm LGA type

QThe UART Baud Rate setting for S76S?

S76S through UART1 Baud Rate 115200,n,8,1 ( Pin46[MCU pin :PA10],Pin47[MCU pin :PA9]) as external I/F to communicate with host (PC). User can see boot log from this I/F by console tool easily.

  (Putty ‘Termite is usually tool for it and care about CR’ LF configure also, please)

QHow to upgrade S76S F/W for developing state?

The developers could upgrade F/W through Pin50[PA13_SWDIO] & Pin51[PA14_SWCLK] by ST-Link equipment and refer to S7678S_SDK_Manual_A.pdf, please.

QWhat are bands for S76S supported?

As the following table showed,S76S support 868、902、915、922 & 924 band。

And there is a template of 8 channels configuration for each band。You can refer to S7678S_Commands_Set_Reference_A_1.0.4.pdf。
